Happy Tails!
Here are stories about "our" adopted Shelties. We especially love those written by the Shelties themselves. (They are SO smart!) Send your stories and photos to shepherd@nvsr.org, and we'll include them. This is page one of "Happy Tails." Be sure to read our other "Happy Tails" pages for lots of earlier stories - see page 2 and page 3!
Jeter & Pepper Man
Jeter is doing great! It was funny how I thought I wanted another small female but once I got to know this goofy boy, I knew, he was the right boy for us. He has such an even, low-key, happy temperament. He enjoys traveling and being with us. He has such a tender heart that even our cat Molly MuMu likes him and she thinks smacking dogs is a great pastime. It is so funny to see Jeter run across the yard. He hops like a bunny! He loves barking at neighboring dogs and totally ignores the squirrels! In fact, the squirrels no longer run when he comes out. The other day Jeter went hopping across the yard and stepped on a squirrel. To say they were both surprised is an understatement! They looked at each other and then Jeter continued on his way without looking back. Our other Sheltie is Pepper Man. We adopted him about 10 years ago, and he is 14. Pepper is funny because typically all he tolerates are fetches and pets! We have had many Sheltie fosters and my dear late Sheltie, Jilly, but Pepper really never engaged with any of them unless his fetch toy was intercepted. He did use Jilly as a pillow and occasionally would play with our Lab mix, Bubba (he passed 2 years ago), but other than that, other animals did not even exist. Pepper and Jeter have bonded. My sister-in-law even calls them the twins. I just call them double trouble! They play, bark (outdoors only!) and sleep together. If one goes out before the other is ready, he waits and occasionally barks "hurry up." They chase around the yard like crazy pups but Jeter never takes Pepper's toy when playing fetch. He will sometimes point guard him (puts his chin on Pepper's shoulder) while waiting for the throw and pretend like he is going for it, but never does. They are so good for each other. They have both been such a joy to us. - Theresa and Allen Jackson, March 2023 [Jeter was adopted in October 2020 and Pepper Man in March 2013, each of them at 4 years old.] |
Sam is doing well here on the mountain. Being able to take several walks a day on leash without running into other dogs on leash has suited his personality. He does still have to practice not going crazy when the deer or a flock of birds appear. At this point Sam believes that FINDING these trespassers is his job and looks forward eagerly to his walks. Sam likes to go to the barn and help round up the alpacas for feeding time. He also enjoys a nibble or two of alpaca "beans", which he grabs and runs off with, knowing it’s a no no. Sam still often guards me from my husband. A treat of Cheerios has helped reduce some of the barking at Dave. It is a strange behavior as he is fine with Dave most all the time except when Dave moves from certain spots in the house. And if I’m away on a trip he has no problems with Dave. Here are a few photos of Sam. One close up, one with his barn cat Squeaky, and when he first started going to the barn and he met our deaf alpaca, Toby. It's hard to believe he has been here almost 3 years! -- Donna & Dave Martin, March 2023 [Sam was adopted March 2020 when he was 7 years old.] |
I love the new home NVSR found for me with my mom, dad, and big sister Gracie. Mommy and Daddy tell me all the time that I'm a clever boy. I'm learning new things all the time: how to sit, when to get off the bed, how to walk nicely on a leash. In return, I'm teaching my new family how to play, Calvin-Style. I can turn anything into a toy - shoes, socks, hats, Mommy's gardening gloves, Kleenex and even an old hose. Plus, I have my own toy box with favorites a green raccoon, a big, bushy squirrel, an ice cream cone squeaky toy, and a worn-out hedgehog. I leave them in random places around the house. In the backyard, I have a Holy Roller ball and a Flying Squirrel frisbee that I've trained Mommy and Daddy to throw for me. My best playmate is my sister, Gracie, a white shepherd mix. We love to chase each other and keep our house safe from our posts at the back fence and front window - barking at any and all passers-by. We also howl in stereo when we hear an emergency vehicle. Gracie puts up with me, but also reminds that she's in charge, but she lets me share the couch and watch Our favorite show, "All Creatures Great and Small." I'm still a little shy around strangers, and Mommy and Daddy have decided that I will be sociable when I'm ready. I love having my tummy rubbed and snuggling at Mommy and Daddy's feet late at night. I love running around in the white stuff that falls from the sky. I hope to see everyone at the next NVSR event, especially my foster mommy, Nancy. Love and Tail Wags - Calvin Coolidge Almasi (My sister and I are named for our 30th President and his wife.) - February 2023 |

Toby is living a great dog life! We recently took him in for a checkup and the vet said he looked to be in good shape for an old boy. I think his favorite thing after Grace—my daughter— is food. He knows exactly when it is time to eat and when every treat of his is due. He does seem to have a wide palate of foods he likes. For instance, I have not found a vegetable cooked or raw he would not eat. He loves berries, all melons, and even iceberg lettuce. Toby comes running when I pull the lettuce out to make a salad. We had to put a fence around my cherry tomato plant, because he is stealing the fruit. He’s very adventurous making him quite mischievous.
Grace will be a senior this year and off to college in 2023. I am a little concerned as he is so attached to her. He follows her around like a shadow and sleeps next to her every night; they are very tight pair. Ron and I are hoping he will start to like us more, ha ha. Hopefully somehow he’ll cope. - Ann and Ron Kostrzebski, July 2022
Toby is living a great dog life! We recently took him in for a checkup and the vet said he looked to be in good shape for an old boy. I think his favorite thing after Grace—my daughter— is food. He knows exactly when it is time to eat and when every treat of his is due. He does seem to have a wide palate of foods he likes. For instance, I have not found a vegetable cooked or raw he would not eat. He loves berries, all melons, and even iceberg lettuce. Toby comes running when I pull the lettuce out to make a salad. We had to put a fence around my cherry tomato plant, because he is stealing the fruit. He’s very adventurous making him quite mischievous.
Grace will be a senior this year and off to college in 2023. I am a little concerned as he is so attached to her. He follows her around like a shadow and sleeps next to her every night; they are very tight pair. Ron and I are hoping he will start to like us more, ha ha. Hopefully somehow he’ll cope. - Ann and Ron Kostrzebski, July 2022
We have had Blazeee for 6 years. He is now 10 and doing good. He loves all people, is a great guard dog and is a good big brother to our other three Shelties. I understand his first family turned him into a Collie Rescue, but they then gave him to NVSR. Some other family adopted him but only kept him for about 18 hours because they could not handle him. Because I had put in an application after this family, they called me. I picked him up within 48 hours of their call. About 6 months after we adopted him, he started getting dry skin sores over his face and head and some white film inside both of his ears. After multiple medicine regimens, he got worse. Our vet referred him to Virginia Tech where he got an accurate diagnosis of Ischemic Dermatopathy - an autoimmune disease. His DNA showed 38% Sheltie, 25% Collie, 12% Aussie and the remaining could not be diagnosed. VT told me the Collie carries the gene for this autoimmune disease. He has been in treatment for 5 years at VT. In 2020, he was declared to be in remission and goes back annually. The pictures show how he looked at his first visit to VT from the disease, how the Atopica medicine he takes caused excessive hair growth. The last photo shows what he looks like today. We love him dearly. - Chris and John Meade, July 2022 |
Toby is doing just fine! I was so impressed with how NVSR worked with him and with me that I've become an active volunteer and fostered several dogs last spring and summer. Toby shares my house with Willow and a big collie named Moses (from Collie Rescue of the Carolinas). So we have lots of downy undercoat around here if anybody is looking for raw material for their knitting. Toby came to me because he is reactive to cars, bicycles, people walking by, and especially airplane contrails in the sky! I don't have many of those things here except the contrails and a few chickens that keep him preoccupied. He is full of personality, and he and I have several little games we play throughout the day that end with noisy kisses on the top of his head that make him get all squiggly! He's quite the little guy and a perfect gentleman. He's in good health, has kept his extra weight off, and is an absolute delight. Well, most of the time! -- Elaine Taylor, March 2022 |
Thank you, NVSR, for the wonderful start you gave Riley and for blessing us with this beautiful, sweet boy! Riley enjoys his daily brushing and relaxes as if he’s melted. This is really amazing for one who feared just the sight of grooming tools. We feel very, very lucky things are working out as they are. Riley’s food motivation sure has helped. With the winter weather, we’ve taken car outings only lately. Although he isn’t comfortable traveling, Riley is enthusiastic about getting into the car and enjoys the destinations so we think that will help his anxiety. Sweet Riley still isn’t interested in toys (plush, balls, tug) except to go after and touch his nose on a ball. But he loves food and scent enrichment puzzles and activities! He gets three daily long walks with varied routes and it is rewarding how much Riley enjoys the different scents. He is popular with anyone we meet, human or canine. He loves to rest his head on my leg with those beautiful eyes telling me that it’s time to be cuddled and petted again – and I am more than happy to comply. -- Janet & Chuck Lynch, February 2022 |
I am doing great since I came to live with my new family. It seems like it was yesterday but that was actually seven years ago. My human mom saw me on NVSR’s website and says she instantly fell in love with me. I believe her because I am so cute! :) When I came to my new home I thought I would be in charge BUT my big dog sister Keavy set the record straight right away. We are great friends, but she rules! My dog brother Killian has always been pretty chill and we got along instantly. My human brother likes to tease me and has taught me some really cool tricks - like how to catch a flying toy and flying treats. But to be honest, my human dad and I are like Velcro - we are best friends. Thanks to my former family for loving me enough to find NVSR. And thank you NVSR for finding me my loving forever family. -- Oscar Knotts [Oscar was adopted in April 2013 when he was a little over a year old.] Posted April 2020 We are sad to report that Oscar passed away November 5, 2022. He was very much loved by his family. |
Jack Everything is going fairly well in the Hall household. Jack tends to be indifferent about the trick or treaters, sometimes will come to the door with me to see. We did our yearly Halloween photo shoot, and Jack is Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas. Tippi (our Yorkie) is a spider. They are both such good sports. Every year Jack's costume is a play on his name. It's getting harder to come up with new ones each year. He has been a jack-o-lantern, jack sparrow, jack hanna, lumberjack, Jack jack from Incredibles, jack-in-the-box, cracker jack, jack of all trades; I think that's all of them. He's also a good sport and lets me dress him up for Christmas and Easter, too. Jack also has a big birthday coming up this weekend, he's turning 12! I really don't know what I'd do without him. -- Emily Hall [Jack was adopted in December 2010 when he was 3 years old.] Posted November 2019 We are very sad to report that Jack died in November 2021, very much loved. |
Mariah Mariah's doing pretty well. She'll be 15 in January, but people who see her still ask how big she'll be when she's fully grown. She's as gorgeous as ever, and she still is so graceful when she walks that you can't believe she's an older dog. Having said that, we are starting to see some age-related issues pop up. We've been struggling to get her to eat enough for the last 6 months, so she's lost more weight than we'd like. She's also pretty much deaf. She's still as alert as ever, though, and she'll play like a puppy when she sees her friends at the park or on a walk! -- Keith & Susan Moffatt [Mariah was adopted in June 2011 when she was 6 years old.] Posted November 2019 Mariah passed away in May 2021 of old age. She is very much missed. |

Cody loves EVERYBODY now. He beats them up for attention. He is out front on our daily 1.5 mile walks. His coat is absolutely luxurious. His bark is getting a little softer and his eyes have a little film, but there is no sign of his slowing down. According to our records, he should be about 11. He is our dear, funny boy. -- Paul & Fredda Pennock
[Cody was a stray who found his way to NVSR via a shelter. He was adopted in December 2012 when he was about 4-5 years old.] Posted November 2019
Champ When we first got Champ, he was afraid of just about everything. It took a number of years, but he has really come around. He still gets skittish when friends come over, even though he's met them dozens and dozens of time. He will join the "party" after a few rounds of barking at them. When it is just us and his sister home, he is a whole different dog. He can be quite the instigator with his sister. He loves to frap/zoom around the back yard and it's very entertaining. -- Jenny & Steve Strosnider [Champ was adopted in January 2011 when he was about 4 years old. He came to NVSR after bring seized from a hoarder.] Posted November 2019 |
Jagar is doing great. He and Lola are best friends and play and snuggle constantly. Jagar loves to go on long walks. He’s also my constant buddy as I work from home. I was recently hospitalized and had to rest a lot when I came home. Jagar napped with me and was at my side always. So was Lola. Both of them are blessings. After I get strong again, we will pursue training Jagar to visit nursing homes and such. He is such a gentle soul. We dressed them up for Halloween, sat out front and gave out candy. Jagar had to be among all the kids, sitting at the bottom step. He did not mind the costumes at all. He seemed to insist everybody pet him. -- Tina Merklinger [Jagar was adopted in September 2018 when he was 6 years old.] Posted November 2019 |

Tavish had a great Halloween. He likes to go to our neighborhood park where all of the kids and adults get together in their costumes. The children all love him. He's still our sweet boy and as you can see in the photos, his best buddy is my parent's Sheltie named Gunner. Gunner recently stayed with us for a week as my parents were on vacation, and he ate an entire chocolate bar by getting up on my desk while we were away from the house for an hour. Unlike Tavish, Gunner climbs up on a lot of furniture, especially if there's any morsel of food out of reach. Tavish LOVES his bed at the foot of our bed, never jumps on furniture, chairs or sofas, and he is very regular on his walks in the morning and at night.
But Tavish still has the same quirks - he still herds and guards my husband as if he's an intruder in the house. Our new training trick is having my husband keep treats in the garage and whenever he comes home into the house, he offers Tavish a treat - we'll see if it works. And garbage day is still Tavish's favorite day of the week with the garbage trucks going through our neighborhood. He spins wildly outside or at our front door when they come near our house!
We love him and he's in good health. We've noticed his feet are a little sensitive, but other than that, he is our beautiful boy and very well taken care of. -- Kristin Stewart
[Tavish was adopted on November 2-12 when he was just a teenager of 2 years old.]
Posted November 2019
Tavish had a great Halloween. He likes to go to our neighborhood park where all of the kids and adults get together in their costumes. The children all love him. He's still our sweet boy and as you can see in the photos, his best buddy is my parent's Sheltie named Gunner. Gunner recently stayed with us for a week as my parents were on vacation, and he ate an entire chocolate bar by getting up on my desk while we were away from the house for an hour. Unlike Tavish, Gunner climbs up on a lot of furniture, especially if there's any morsel of food out of reach. Tavish LOVES his bed at the foot of our bed, never jumps on furniture, chairs or sofas, and he is very regular on his walks in the morning and at night.
But Tavish still has the same quirks - he still herds and guards my husband as if he's an intruder in the house. Our new training trick is having my husband keep treats in the garage and whenever he comes home into the house, he offers Tavish a treat - we'll see if it works. And garbage day is still Tavish's favorite day of the week with the garbage trucks going through our neighborhood. He spins wildly outside or at our front door when they come near our house!
We love him and he's in good health. We've noticed his feet are a little sensitive, but other than that, he is our beautiful boy and very well taken care of. -- Kristin Stewart
[Tavish was adopted on November 2-12 when he was just a teenager of 2 years old.]
Posted November 2019

Hello, NVSR! This has been a big year for our whole family as we moved from Virginia to Pennsylvania last summer. We live in a beautiful area with all kinds of farm animals. Sheep and horses share our backyard fence! Back in December, we also adopted an Aussie mix sister from a rescue that my human family volunteers at. It's a very active household and I love the attention and excitement! I'm getting a little older and I am slowing down a little, but having four younger siblings keeps me on my paws.
Here is a picture taken in August. That's ME, Triton, Willow and Jedi (left to right). Dash, my border collie brother was on vacation at the time.
Hope all is well with everyone at NVSR! Thanks for checking in! Lily Stewart
[Lily was adopted in June 2009 when she was just one year old.] Posted September 2019
Hello, NVSR! This has been a big year for our whole family as we moved from Virginia to Pennsylvania last summer. We live in a beautiful area with all kinds of farm animals. Sheep and horses share our backyard fence! Back in December, we also adopted an Aussie mix sister from a rescue that my human family volunteers at. It's a very active household and I love the attention and excitement! I'm getting a little older and I am slowing down a little, but having four younger siblings keeps me on my paws.
Here is a picture taken in August. That's ME, Triton, Willow and Jedi (left to right). Dash, my border collie brother was on vacation at the time.
Hope all is well with everyone at NVSR! Thanks for checking in! Lily Stewart
[Lily was adopted in June 2009 when she was just one year old.] Posted September 2019
Hello there! Heather "Cheddar Baby" Kirschman reporting from Northern Virginia where things are hot and summer's ending. I've been doing all right lately. I've had some problems with balance and sometimes when I get up after lying down I struggle with stiffness. I have also been bumping into things since my sight isn't as good as it used to be. Mommy and Daddy make sure to keep the paths in the house clear for me. I have as good an appetite as ever. I eat a mix of Honest Kitchen and meat which you can imagine I like very much. I have made friends, one who is pictured here, and enjoy sniffing other dogs on walks. Well, all dogs except for puppies! Who don't seem to know what personal space is...but other than that I have had a good time getting to know pooches in and out of the neighborhood. Peace and dog treats, Heather From my folks: Heather has been okay. At 16 years old she is showing her age. She bumps into things and has more accidents in the house lately. We make sure she gets all the potty breaks she needs. She still has a lot of energy and tried running around the front yard a month ago. She struggles with walking if she's been lying down for a while. Butt she is our darling pup. We hope to make the rest of her life as enjoyable and comfortable as possible. Most of these photos are from two years ago. -- Jennifer Kirschman [Heather was adopted in October 2013 when she was 10 years old.] Posted August 2019 |
Bandit and Tia Tia has been the project of a lifetime, way more than I bargained for, and Bandit and Tia do not get along very well. That said, Bandit is a relatively healthy and gorgeous 14 year old! And (on her own) Tia is the most wonderful, FUN, smart, awesome dog!! I am in advanced obedience with her and we have done a tricks class, pictured here as she becomes a piano master! And we have done some agility. I just stay in classes for her education, socialization (always a challenge) and our bonding. Tia loves classes!! And also a surprise, apparently I do too, so we have a lot of fun. -- Jinny Isserow [Bandit was adopted in June 2011 when he was 5 years old, and Tia was adopted in August 2016 when she was only 1 year old.] Posted August 2019 |

On almost the sixth anniversary of my adoption I’d like to report that I am doing well and I’m content. OK, so they don’t feed me enough. Something to do with weight control which is an alien concept to me. It’s all about food! My cookies! They just don’t get it.
Then there’s the other thing they just don’t get - I have to be within six feet of them! I am Velcro Girl. When they go away, which they do 'way too often, it’s off to the vet for me. Next month I have to go and spend time with the grandkids. The indignity of it all! OK, it’s not all bad. One will feed me, I’ll give them my starving look, the other one won’t know I’ve been fed, and I score again! Humans are so easy to trick. -- Michael Pierson
[Haley was adopted in July 2012 when she was 3 years old.] Posted August 2019

Lady is doing well at 12. This picture was taken in in April. She is very good at walking on her leash. Heel, sit, stay, & forward. Never pulls or lunges when we pass other dogs who are lunging in all directions! I'm going to help a friend with her one-year Cavalier King Charles male. Her female Cavalier is too young. The male has zero discipline and walking him is just a chore. She has seen Lady and can't understand why her dog will not listen. There are Shelties and then other dogs. There's a reason Shelties do so well in obedience trials. Of course I'm prejudiced. Thanks for the Sheltie Spin! We look forward to getting it. -- E. L. Smith, Jr.
[Lady was adopted in January 2015 when she was 6 years old.] Posted August 2019
Hi NVSR! It's me Katie! It's been a long time since I last wrote so I wanted to let you know how pawfect my life is. I'm officially 13 years old now. My vet says I'm still as limber as a puppy! I have gone almost totally deaf but that isn't important at all. (MuttMom here: I'll say. She knows voice and hand commands but still obeys only when she wants to.) My ignoring thunderstorms now has helped Riley ignore them too! I'm generous that way. I have had kidney disease for a year but the medicine and special diet my vet gave me works wonders. She said if you didn't know better my tests would make you think I'm in perfect health. Hey! I am perfect and everyone knows it. She must be confused. Panic attacks are a thing of the past. I go strutting on walks because I own it. The streets are mine! I see other dogs and I bark hello and trot on, my adorable ears flopping happily all the way. I welcome mail deliveries with barks too. I am telling her I own this place but it somehow makes her laugh to see me do it. I need to work on my ferocious barks. And I never get car sick anymore either. I love car rides! After all this time, I still want to say thanks NVSR for helping me find my furever home! Now, if you'll excuse me, DogDad has food. I need to go try to steal some since there's no more snow outside to eat. It's my job. Wuf to all, Katie Sample [Katie was adopted in April 2014 when she was 8 years old. She's having fun!] Posted July 2019 |
Just a quick Molly update. We celebrated her Sweet 16, and our 6-year anniversary in grand fashion, back in February! She showed off her frilly collar and crown to anyone who would look, and wore them all day. She thought she was hot stuff (very rightly so). She got her birthday "pupachino" from the coffee shop, and as you can see from the photos, decided she didn't need my help to finish it off. It was a great day for both of us. Unfortunately, the past 6 months or so have brought on a fairly rapid decline in health, and a lot of time visiting with the vet. Her food closet is looking more like a pharmacy these days. We are doing all we can to make whatever time we are gifted with as comfortable and happy as possible. I am cherishing every snuggle and slobbery smooch. Luckily most are still good days. Who knows, maybe I will be sending a 17th birthday update next. Thank you for helping us find each other. -- Jen and Molly Culbreath [Molly was adopted in February 2013 when she was 10 years old.] Posted July 2019 |
Toby has had an exciting year. He camped with us in the San Bernadino mountains last summer, May to October, and completely loved it. He and his brother Dylan were the official greeters for all the new campers and made many friends. He hiked short portions of the Pacific Crest Trail and other mountain trails, but was happiest in his own campsite monitoring activity and chasing squirrels away between naps in all his favorite spots. |
Late in September, we discovered a lump on his front leg which grew alarmingly quickly and was diagnosed as cancer. I trust his local vet, Dr. Joseph Schmidt, so completely we couldn't make any decisions without consulting him, so my daughter and I drove home early with the pooches, leaving my husband there to finish up his camp host contract. One of our stops on the way home was in Kansas where Toby had his photo taken with Toto! Long story short, the lump was removed and Toby is just a couple of weeks from completing three rounds of chemo. It was a difficult decision, especially considering his age, but we are so glad we did it. The chemo didn't have any adverse effects at all, and if anything he has become more playful and energetic. It is a joy to see him galloping across the pasture area. On May 1, we are heading out again, this time to the Aspen area in Colorado for six months. Toby and Dylan's supplies are already packed and their new beds with extra padding for the arthritic bones are in place. Neither one particularly enjoys the drive part, but are both natural campers. They will both be turning 14 this summer, and we are so thankful they are in overall decent health and enjoy life. -- Marilyn Shtulman [Toby was adopted in December 2006 when he was one year old.] Posted May 2019 |

Chloe is well. She has a new friend who adopted the family last fall. His name is Rudy. It's so sweet those two are buds ... it's been good for her to have a new friend. Chloe has trained him well. Always together hanging out as they enjoy there afternoon naps. Husband retired last fall and it's good to have him home with her all day now.
It's tough watching your furry kids get older. She is our little girl and I cherish each day we have together. -- Kimberly Siciliano
[Chloe was adopted on Christmas Day in 2006 when she was just one year old.]
Posted May 2019

Boo Radley
Boo (formerly known as "Sam") came to me as a rescue from NVSR back in 2013. He's such a GREAT buddy. I thought you would appreciate this photo of Boo in his "Boo-Sleigh!"
Boo has developed arthritis in his front legs, and long walks are difficult as of late. I had to cut them short a few weeks ago, and I could tell it bummed him out. So I got him a wagon so that he can still enjoy seeing the sights around the neighborhood. He'd walk 1/3 the way, get in the wagon for a bit of a break, and then walk the last 1/3 the way home. We have so much fun in it! I even put Christmas lights on it for visibility at night! -- Catharine McNally
[Boo was adopted in November 2013 when he was 6 years old.]
Posted January 2019
Sophie Marie
Sophie got my girls through their senior year of high school and off to college this past fall. I now have to work very hard to keep her occupied! She has adjusted to our empty nest, and now sleeps on the bed with me – except when she gets too hot. Ha! But I can tell by the way she greets men that she really misses my husband, Craig, who passed away last January. Sophie has developed some arthritis. She may have injured herself over the years of going to the mountains of North Carolina and playing in the rocky creek (which she LOVES to do). Or it may just be the vigilant way she keeps squirrels out of our yard. She takes some meds, and we are going to have an x-ray done when she gets a dental cleaning in February, just to be sure it’s typical arthritis. The girls notice that she’s still very playful but now has a more mature and regal air about her . Sophie’s "North Star" is the can of dog treats at a house on King Street in Alexandria. At least once a day she heads to that can and then checks all the businesses downtown that might be open and offering biscuits. It’s only the extended walks that are keeping her weight reasonable! -- Mary Hill [Sophie was adopted in February 2012 when she was just a teenager of 1 year old.] Posted January 2019 |
Tessa "Duchess" Tessa has been good - zero health issues and still command of her space and duties in the home. She and Tosca are very different but clearly a pair. She can still out wrestle her younger brother when she chooses - she usually lets him win. She still warms my bed at night, waits for a belly rub (see photo) and then leaves until wake-up call in the morning. She comes to my chair each morning for a scratch. Tessa is a warm reminder of the days when Pat was still with us. [Tessa was adopted in February 2011 when she was just 2 years old.] Posted January 2019 |